This is the moment that Yogi should remember. Because when he did the speech, he could pass the Pre - eliminary session. He did it very well at that time. So he entered Final Session which knocked out almost 50 % competitors. TWO THUMBS UP for Yogi. He was the best of the best at YPPI 2 Senior High School for delivering speech among students. At that time, the judges were Mam Riska and myself. Unfortunately, he could not bring one of the trophy home. it's okay I think. This is only a practice for him.
Mr. Budi
I do agree with you. Yogi is good in English and he can be the best if he want to be the best. On his second performance at UWIKA, he did some improvements but it should be more than that (just wait for the review from me). Let's help him and the other students to be the best speaker inside and outside our beloved school. Bravo english community ...